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Our newborn shoots follow a lifestyle vibe. The aim is to capture an essence of this moment in your lives with minimal posing and fuss, so hopefully everyone enjoys it! We'll work with your baby's routine as best we can.


It's a good idea to have a few things ready beforehand to help things run smoothly and remain stress free for yourself. The following are our suggestions based on experience. There's a lot to skim through but as you do, please remember that nothing is set in stone at all. You can totally ignore half or all of it, as feels right for you, but these are our general thoughts to help get the most out of the photo session:


Clothes: Have any items you would like to include ready and handy. Don't be afraid to have lots of options, it's good to have choices. As a rule, we find that simple and neutral works best. We'd usually suggest avoiding big logos as these can be a distraction in an image. Patterns and very bright (eg neon) colours can take away from an image sometimes, and don't tend to be as versatile as plainer garments. In a nutshell, simple and comfortable work best every time.


Clothes for everyone: The above goes for everyone really, just a few things to bear in mind and have a think about. Being comfortable is definitely key for you too, don't feel the need to be overly smart. The focus will be on your baby but photos of you lounging on your bed or the sofa for example can be gorgeous, so please feel free to be dressed for relaxing! Having a cardigan or a jumper to throw on can also offer quick options if you fancied a change. It's not a bad plan to pick your clothes first and help everyone else build their outfit based on that.


Props: This could be one, some or none. Have any items that you'd like including in a photograph listed (you can send it to me in advance if that's helpful) or at least fresh in your mind. These can be old things, new things, presents, blankets or nothing at all! We don't like to set too much up but we can add smaller props into shots as appropriate, and position ourselves near any larger ones that don't move as necessary. It's helpful if we know what you might like to add beforehand, where possible.


Props for the rest of the family: Not usually a big consideration but you might want to ask any other children if they've anything they'd like to bring in for a photo. This can help them feel a bit more involved and in control of it all, and usually makes them a little more relaxed, if that makes sense.


Setting the Scene: We really, really don't need your rooms/house to be prepped as if for a magazine shoot, not in the slightest, we're coming to focus on your baby and you guys in your family home. Don't change a thing and definitely don't feel like you need to have a mini spring clean! However, if you can, try and declutter items on counters/floors in the spaces you would like us to use. Less is more when it comes to these type of sessions.


Please have a think about where in your house or garden you might like the session to take place in. Natural light is always our best friend on these shoots, we don't want to introduce flash or artificial light where possible. Your baby has enough to be getting used to at this age without adding flashes into the mix! Bigger bedrooms, living rooms, a nursery or spare bedrooms are all good options. We'd be grateful if you could open all blinds and curtains before we get to you, so we can quickly figure out which spaces might work best best.


Colours are a consideration here too. If you can, try to avoid busy patterns on bedding etc. Whilst they might be gorgeous in the room, they can be distracting in an image, especially close up. Bold colours can also cast a colour onto a baby's skin, so having some neutral blanket/sheet options handy is always good.


General prep: If your baby is happy to feed just before we arrive, that's brilliant. Usually a full belly makes them happy and more cooperative for the camera. Don't stress if the timing doesn't work out though, obviously. If you'd like images of the baby feeding, please hold off on feeding them beforehand and we can grab those shots towards the start instead.


Having everyone else as well rested as possible, fed and watered can also be a good plan too. I personally am pretty useless and grumpy if I'm hungry and would be a nightmare if I got thrown into a photoshoot like that!


That's about it, well done for getting this far! As I said, just thoughts and things to consider, not a set of rules or requirements at all. The most important thing is that you are all comfy and happy to have us around for an hour or so, that's the key to nice photographs above all else. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Get in touch to have a chat, ask questions or see if we're available when you need us.

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